BioMatric Attendance Systems

Biometric technology offers advanced verification for employees in every industry.
Because biometric systems identify people through physical measurements of unique
human characteristics or behavior, they thwart attempts of time fraud, where one
employee punches for another. Biometric systems do not require easily-lost or stolen
badges, or other identifying objects. Employee attendance verification is a major use of
biometrics today.

Biometrics is the science of using human measurements to identify people. Today, an
individual’s identity can be verified using physical means by scanning his fingers, hands,
eyes, or face. He can also be verified by behavioral means. His gait, vocal pitch,
signature, and typing speed can be used to identify him.

Biometric technology offers the promise of an easy, secure method to make highly
accurate verifications of individuals. Not only does this technology make our lives easier
by eliminating the need to carry badges and other identification, but it prevents the use
of forged tickets, badges, or passports. These verifications have broad applicability, and
people are already being verified by biometrics in airports, office buildings,
manufacturing centers, hospitals, and even amusement parks. A biometric scan can
provide security access to protected areas, serve as a day pass at an attraction, punch
an employee in at the start of the work day, or allow an executive access to his laptop